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Started by Mackey, March 21, 2023, 09:57 AM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, August 23, 2022, 12:26 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, June 20, 2022, 12:27 AM
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by Guest
Started by Mackey, March 25, 2022, 06:29 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, March 5, 2022, 09:32 AM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, March 27, 2021, 07:45 PM
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Started by Mackey, December 28, 2020, 12:16 AM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, November 17, 2020, 09:03 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, August 10, 2020, 10:13 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, July 18, 2020, 11:08 AM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, March 28, 2020, 08:57 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, January 21, 2020, 01:37 AM
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  • The Howard Miller Flip Clock

    The Howard Miller Flip Clock

    We're here to discuss a vintage flip clock that flip clock fans usually call "The Howard Miller Flip Clock." However, on online auctions you will see this clock referred to as some variation of: the Rare Vintage Arthur Umanoff George Nelson Howard Miller Flip Clock. In recent years these clocks have sold for exceedingly high prices upwards of 500 dollars and even over $1000 dollars. Why, exactly would these clocks be priced so high, when were they made? What are they made of ... "gold?, why do the...
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  • Historic Journal Reveals Rare Flip Clock

    Historic Journal Reveals Rare Flip Clock

    Mais qu’est alors cette vérité historique, la plupart du temps? Une fable convenue. Ainsi qu’on l’a dit fort ingénieusement. Napoleon Bonaparte Paraphrased: "History is a set of agreed upon lies." Maybe that's true about the history of flip clocks too. But what is certain, as the history of flip clock invention and marketing unfolded, few thought it worth the time to document it. For this reason, except for newspaper and magazine advertisements, and precious few journal articles, mo...
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  • How fast does a flip clock motor spin?

    How fast does a flip clock motor spin?

    Here's a random question to ponder:

    How fast does a flip clock motor spin? This question recently came up among members of Let's see if we can figure this out.

    The Japanese Copal II motors are used probably in the majority of vintage flip clocks. These are a type of AC (alternating current) motor known as a synchronous motor. What this essentially means, is that the speed of the rotor (or turning part of the motor) is in sync with the frequency of the...
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  • The wonders of the orange neon glow lamp

    The wonders of the orange neon glow lamp

    A very frequent question amongst fans of flip clocks, can be paraphrased: "Wouldn't it be better just to replace those old orange lights in flip clocks with an LED?" That's for you to decide, but as for me and many other collectors of vintage flip clocks, the short answer is "no". The long answer is " #$@&%*!    NO!" No it would not be better. It’d be about as better as removing the flip clock mechanism and replacing it with an electronic digital clock, - just because they’re more acc...
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  • The Plato Clocks

    The Plato Clocks

    The Plato Clock represents one of the earliest digital displays of time and holds a prominent place in the history of flip clocks. In recent years, prices for Plato Clocks (also known as Plato Flip Clocks) have soared. Selling prices from $600 dollars up to $1000 dollars or more have been noted on online auctions. In this climate, it would definitely be wise for the collector to have a grasp on the different varieties of Plato Clocks. Also, it would seem beneficial for sellers to have some firm f...
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  • Panasonic RC-6003

    Panasonic RC-6003

    Clock Name: Panasonic RC-6003 Digital Clock Radio - The Vernon Common Name: The No Country for Old Men Flip Clock Brand: Panasonic Model Number: RC-6003 Type: Flip Clock FM-AM Clock Radio Alarm Manufacturer: Matsushita Electrical Industrial Co., LTD (Panasonic) Country of Manufacture: Japan Year of release: 1973 (in print ads up to 1976) photo credit You are viewing a entry in the Flip Clock Catalogue - An ongoing effort to provide details about flip clocks gathered from internet sources and personal experience. Your comments...
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  • Choosing the right converter or transformer for your flip clock

    Choosing the right converter or transformer for your flip clock

    While the fascination with flip clocks may have had its beginning in North America, flip clock fans can now be found the world over. The problem for collectors of these clocks outside of the United States and Canada is that many of these clocks will not work properly in their countries because of the differences in the electrical systems. You see, while the United States uses an electrical system consisting of 110 to 120 volts running at 60 hertz, most of the world uses a higher voltage, 220 ...
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  • Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son

    Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son

    Groundhog Day - Like Father Like Son is a virtual reality adventure game to be released in 2019 on PlayStation Virtual Reality and other major VR platforms.

    The game is played using the The PlayStation VR - a virtual reality headset in conjunction with your Sony PlayStation. This is one of those games that allow you to immerse yourself in the game, looking around and choosing where to go and with what to interact.

    In Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son you’ll play as...

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  • The Japanese Electric Grid and a little Seiko Flip Clock - The Seiko DP 690T

    The Japanese Electric Grid and a little Seiko Flip Clock - The Seiko DP 690T

    The Seiko DP 690T is an alarm flip clock made in Japan specifically for the Japanese market. The clock is a striking, yet simple, rectangular, small flip clock with bold red and black colors featuring the standard black tiles with white digits. The wheel shaped alarm selector can be found directly at the front of the clock and is rolled upward to set the desired alarm time. To set the alarm, the alarm selector on the top of the clock must be pressed so that it extends above the case of the clock, c...
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  • The Tele-Vision Cyclometer Clock - A True 1950s TV Lamp

    The Tele-Vision Cyclometer Clock - A True 1950s TV Lamp

    If you frequent eBay looking for flip clocks, you've laid eyes on it - The 1950s era Tele-Vision clock. This clock, manufactured by the Pennwood Numechron Company, is actually a cyclometer type clock with rolling wheels displaying the time in digital form. This clock seems to have suffered from an identity crisis as it went by many names in the day. Firstly, the Tele-Vision clock was considered a "Numechron Tymeter" clock (a type of Pennwood Numechron Company clock) and designated as...
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