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Started by Mackey, March 21, 2023, 09:57 AM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, August 23, 2022, 12:26 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, June 20, 2022, 12:27 AM
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by Guest
Started by Mackey, March 25, 2022, 06:29 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, March 5, 2022, 09:32 AM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, March 27, 2021, 07:45 PM
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by Guest
Started by Mackey, December 28, 2020, 12:16 AM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, November 17, 2020, 09:03 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, August 10, 2020, 10:13 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, July 18, 2020, 11:08 AM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, March 28, 2020, 08:57 PM
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by Mackey
Started by Mackey, January 21, 2020, 01:37 AM
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  • The First Cyclometer or Rolling Wheel Clock by Pallweber in 1888

    The First Cyclometer or Rolling Wheel Clock by Pallweber in 1888

    For many years we have been told by various sources (online and print) that the cyclometer-type clocks, that is, clocks that display time with digits using rolling wheels, were invented in the 1930s. We know that these types of clocks were very popular in the 1950s and were sold from the 1930s up into the 1970s even.

    Could it be possible that we have discovered a clock lost to history? A rolling wheel clock that was produced before 1900, making the claims of first invention essentially...
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  • The Rise and Fall of the Seth Thomas Clock Company

    The Rise and Fall of the Seth Thomas Clock Company

    Introduction Seth Thomas - a huge name in American Clocks and to this day multitudes of clocks can be found branded Seth Thomas. There are numerous questions asked online about the Seth Thomas Clock Company and their clocks: 1) Are Seth Thomas Clocks still made? 2) Where is the Seth Thomas Clock Company? 3) How do I date my Seth Thomas Clock? Just to name a few. I may be able to help answer some of these questions here. But more than this, the hope is to try to enhance the online history of Set...
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  • The Other Back to the Future Flip Clock - The Copal 801

    The Other Back to the Future Flip Clock - The Copal 801

    Back to the Future - a 1985 science fiction film staring Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover, and Thomas F. Wilson.

    Set in 1985, the story follows Marty McFly, a teenager accidentally sent back to 1955 in a time-traveling DeLorean automobile built by his eccentric scientist friend Doctor Emmett "Doc" Brown.

    Trapped in the past, Marty inadvertently prevents his future parents' meeting — threatening his existence — and is forced...
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  • A Closer Look at the Stancraft Digital High Time Clock

    A Closer Look at the Stancraft Digital High Time Clock

    It's time to take a closer look at the Stancraft Digital High Time clock. We'll talk a little background, some history, and take a look inside this flip clock with a twist.

    When looking online you'll quickly find that the High Time clocks, came in regular alarm clocks in addition to three variants of the digital clock.
    According to what seems to be a page from a sales brochure, the Stancraft Digital High Time clocks could be found in a Burl Wood look finish (model No 7661), white...
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  • The Official Flip Clock Fan Wristwatch - The Future Funk Roller Digital

    The Official Flip Clock Fan Wristwatch - The Future Funk Roller Digital

    I believe I've discovered a wristwatch that may be suitable for a fan of flip clocks. I'll let you decide.

    But first I have to make the bold assertion that there will likely never be a flip clock on your wrist. Proper flip clocks rely on gravity to work - the reason flip clocks were not considered as an option during the Apollo Missions. So we're going to have to look at a cyclometer or drum-type clock as a possible candidate for an official flip clock fan watch. And that's ok....
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  • How To Make A Custom LED Module for the Panasonic RC-7462 - The Black Lighted Clock.

    How To Make A Custom LED Module for the Panasonic RC-7462 - The Black Lighted Clock.

    Update: 12/23/2017 - There is a better way now.
    See this post for details.

    Creating a Custom LED Module for the Panasonic RC-7462 The Panasonic RC-7462 features twin, AM/FM speedometer-like FM/AM tuning dials, a fine sounding 4 inch speaker (for a vintage flip clock), real wood side panels and a relatively large flip clo...
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  • The First Flip Clock

    The First Flip Clock

    The first flip clock was conceived by Austrian inventor and engineer Josef Pallweber in 1890 and produced in Lenzkirch, Germany by the world-renowned Lenzkirch Clock Factory between 1893-1894.

    Josef Pallweber was issued German patent No. 54093 on October 27, 1890 for his "Uhr mit Zahlenwechsel durch Herabfallen doppelseitig bezifferter Täfelchen" (Clock with numbers changing by falling double-sided numbered tablets).[1] ...
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  • Ingraham by McGraw-Edison - The All American Flip Clock

    Ingraham by McGraw-Edison - The All American Flip Clock

    The All American Flip Clock The Ingraham flip clock by the McGraw-Edison Company, must be considered the great, all American flip clock. Not only was it one of the few, all American made flip clocks, on this one clock we find represented the names of three great Americans: Elias Ingraham, Thomas A. Edison and Max McGraw. While most will have some recollection of Thomas Edison, as time has passed, the other names have become somewhat obscure. We hope to fix this during this discussion and expl...
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  • Artist Todd McLellan Deconstructs the Flip Clock

    Artist Todd McLellan Deconstructs the Flip Clock

    Flip Clock Fans Interviews Canadian Photographer and Artist Todd McLellan
    One of the greatest things about flipclockfans forum has to be the exposure to flip clocks of course, but also to the wider world of vintage, mid-century modern technology and even art. So it was that forum member, flipclock_nl (Robert) brought to our attention the fascinating art of Todd McLellan.

    Todd McLellan lives and works in Toronto, Canada and specializes in automotive, commercial and conceptual...
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  • The Historical Significance of the Köhler horizontal cylinder flip clock

    The Historical Significance of the Köhler horizontal cylinder flip clock

    The Historical Significance of the Köhler horizontal cylinder flip clock - a pivotal clock in flip clock history.

    Pinning down the history of flip clocks can be very difficult - primarily because no one thought to keep a record of such things, and as hard as it is to believe, there was no internet back then.
    Trying to determine what clock got the flip clock craze going, therefore, can be very challenging. However, piecing together what we know factually, and adding a little supposition,...
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